The Federation signs a cooperation agreement with the Russian Chamber of Commerce

During a working visit to Moscow, the Federation of Belgian Chambers of Commerce signed a cooperation agreement with the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Accord-de-coopération-Chambre-russe_20-03-2019-002-1-1024x768.jpgThe Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation brings together more than 180 chambers of commerce in Russia and represents 52,000 companies. It is the largest business organization in Russia and provides a wide range of services to both Russian and foreign companies. Owner of the World Trade Center and Expo Center, the Chamber is involved in many fairs and congresses in Moscow. In addition, it also has a large arbitration department.

The President of the Russian Chamber, Sergey Katyrin, stressed that his Chamber was ready to help Belgian companies access the Russian market, both in Moscow and in other parts of the country.

Ren Branders, President of the Federation, noted the highly professional functioning of the Russian Chamber and considered that it was indeed able to deliver tangible results. For the Belgian Chambers of Commerce, the Russian Chamber is certainly an exceptional partner for improving our companies’ access to the Russian market.

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