Wouter Van Gulck
The growing economic interdependence of different countries has ensured the preservation of peace and wealth. Whoever advocates protectionism and isolation puts all of this at risk, warns GCP Chairman, Christoph Leitl.
Wouter Van Gulck
On 12 February 2017, HEM Pieter de Crem, Secretary of State for Foreign Trade, escorted by a 35-member Delegation involving no less than 17 Belgian companies from the three Regions of Belgium and Luxembourg, landed in Dubai in the framework of a Multisectorial Economic Mission to the UAE. Important...
Wouter Van Gulck
The vote on the CETA agreement with Canada has acquired added importance given the unprecedented levels of uncertainty about global trade and the future of the rules-based international trading system.
Mathieu Maes
It might not be popular to say it but trade matters. In fact it matters today more than ever. We want to show you why… by quoting seven hidden gems of Belgium to whom trade matters.
Marianne Houman
It is necessary that the benefits of trade and open markets are better understood by those who account for 70% of GDP and private employment in Belgium: the SME’s, whose share of total export is much smaller.
Wouter Van Gulck
Let’s get straight to the point: 2016 was not a good year for international trade. I am not talking about the Belgian trade figures – only a slight decrease for the nine first months compared to 2015 – but about the current climate around free trade.